Author-Illustrator Visits
School Visits Pre-K – 5
I would be delighted to visit your school, library, or after-school program.
A typical visit may include a presentation and a complementary activity, but I will gladly adjust my lesson plan to the needs of my audience. I can present specific crafts and lessons to cater to your school’s preferences and provide the lesson-plans for teachers upon request.

Song for Papa Crow, Mom’s Choice Awards Gold Honor
Children learn to value themselves and find their own unique voice as they follow the story of Little Crow and how he strives to fit in, but is that always the best thing to do?
Paired with colorful collage illustrations, this inspirational story is complemented by fun facts about North American birds and their sounds. A great Father’s Day gift!

Tune to Little Crow
Tune to Little Crow: Melody and lyrics by Marit Menzin
Maayan Oved, Vocals
Jamie Manning, Arrangement, producer, audio engineer
UV Golibroda, Piano
Caroline Drozdiak, Violin

A Note from the Author
When I was a baby, my three aunts came for a visit, and each brought with her a gift. One sang me a lullaby and she taught me her songs. The second one showed me a beautiful picture of the world. My third aunt told me a sweet fairytale and she hugged me with her words.
The moment that I could hold a crayon, I started doodling, and each picture came with a song. In my magical world, I looked for the first flowers that grew after the rain. I observed with wonder my puppies and kittens and other animals and creatures, including the humans around me. When I learned how to read, I couldn’t stop, and even as I grew older, I still looked eagerly for picture books, simply because I had to know exactly what the characters in the book looked like.
Later, I forgot about my aunts’ gifts. My dream was to be. . . an inventor. I studied chemistry and biology, and later computer science.
After my children were born, Curious George reminded me of my childhood curiosity, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar and My Mama Had a Dancing Heart brought back my passion for colors and words. Yes, this was when I remembered my giftsand became an inventor of books.
Marit Menzin’s collages have been seen in galleries, magazines, and numerous other publications. Marit’s illustrations have won various awards from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and her picture book Song for Papa Crow won a Mom’s Choice Award Gold Honor for distinguished Illustration.

“Menzin pays close attention to specific birds and their cries (“Per-CHIC-o-ree!” says the goldfinch), and her spreads reproduce the birds’ defining features. Moments of inventiveness hint at a freer imagination: Mockingbird’s concert is announced with a series of collaged posters, and the telephone wires are hot pink against a blue sky. Readers who live where many species visit the bird feeder may appreciate a story that incorporates familiar feathered characters.”

All content copyright 2020 MARIT MENZIN U.S. Copy Right Office
Clients: Schiffer Publishing, Carus Publishing, Pearson Learning, Sundance Publishing, Scott Foresman, Harcourt, Macmillan/McGraw-hill
My art was bought by Children’s Hospital Boston, Lexington Medical Center, Longwood Pediatric and L’Atitude Gallery.
I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators